Setting Yourself up for Financial Success in 2024

Setting Yourself up for Financial Success in 2024

The New Year is upon us, and that means it’s time to reflect and evaluate our financial goals for the upcoming year. There are so many things to consider when it comes to our personal finances, so here is your checklist to ensure that you are best set up for success in 2024! 


Before you can get started creating any goals, or developing a plan for your money - you HAVE to understand the current landscape of your financial situation. This serves as a pivotal starting point for understanding your financial health, enabling informed decisions and strategic planning.

You’ll need to collect and document details about income, expenses, assets, debts, investments, and savings. This information empowers you to set goals, identify areas for improvement, and craft a realistic and sustainable financial plan. 

Without understanding the current reality of our situation, we cannot set ourselves up for success when creating forward looking goals or a plan. If you do not already have this information documented, check out my FREE template to help guide you. 


Net Worth = Assets - Liabilities. 

Jargon free that means what you OWN - what you OWE. It looks like this...

Your Net Worth is a metric that you should know and continue to track, because it is the ultimate indicator of our wealth. 

Instead of measuring your wealth compared to your neighbor or friends based on what you see on the outside, your net worth is the real deal. The reason I love tracking my net worth so much is because it allows me to see my progress overtime. Often we can be so consumed trying to pay down debt, or save money that we feel like we aren’t necessarily going anywhere… when in fact your ARE growing your wealth with your hard work, and your Net Worth will help illuminate that success.

I personally track my Net Worth each quarter, using my Net Worth Template.


Now that you have a better understanding of your current state finances between your detailed information and your overall Net Worth, we can look forward and start to create goals. Start by brainstorming all the things you’d like to accomplish - and don’t limit yourself.. now is not the moment to determine the realistic-ness of things, it’s just to get things on paper! 

From here, choose just ONE financial goal that you would like to focus on first. Often I see that we try to accomplish everything, and it’s so overwhelming that we end up not accomplishing much at all. So let’s keep it simple and just give all our focus to ONE. Once we start to feel the momentum we can start working on the next. Here is a brief “order of operations” to help guide you on which goals you may want to consider focusing on first: 

  1. Building a mini- emergency fund

  2. Invest the company match percentage in your 401k 

    • If you do not have a 401k, open an IRA & start investing

  3. Paying off high interest rate debt (think over 7%... credit cards!)

  4. Build a fully funded emergency fund (3-6 months of living expenses) 

  5. Increase your investing contributions

    • Increase your 401k contribution or your IRA contribution 

Once you know what goal you are going to focus on first. Reverse engineer the goal so that you know exactly what you need to do each month, week and maybe even day to accomplish that goal based on the timeline you’ve set!

For example you created a goal to save $5,000. Don’t just stop there and hope that will happen, that is not enough. You need to determine a timeline for that goal, that will help determine how much you need to save on a regular basis. For example we take it a step further and perhaps we determine that you already have $1,000 saved, so you have $4,000 to go… and you would like to accomplish this in 5 months time. 

Reverse engineering would tell us we need to save 

  • $800/mo ($4,000 ÷  5)

  • OR $400 per biweekly paycheck ($4,000  ÷ 10)

  • OR $200 per week ($4,000  ÷ 20).

Do you see how now our goal is to save $200 per week for 5 months, as opposed to a general statement of “I want to save $5k”? After we reverse engineer, and break our goal into bite sized pieces, it makes it feel much more attainable.


Once you’ve determined your goal(s), automate as much as you can to make your life easier!! This entails setting up direct deposits, transfers or payments. Back to our example of saving $5k, and doing so in $200 increments each week. Instead of manually having to remember to do this each week, you could choose to set up a new direct deposit rule for your paycheck. Now each week when you get paid, $200 goes directly into your savings account, and the remainder into your checking. Another option is to create an automatic transfer within your bank account, indicating how frequently you’d like to make a transfer to savings and for how much. 

Automation makes your life easier, and better ensures that the action needed to accomplish your goal is going to take place! 


The beloved high yield savings account. The perfect place to store your Emergency fund. If you do not yet have a high yield savings account, you need one… it’s a no brainer. Learn more about this type of account in my HYSA blog post.

Rates shown in pictures are subject to change


Perhaps the simplest action you can take - log into your 401k plan and increase your contribution percentage by 1%... I can almost promise you that 1% increase will hardly be noticeable in your next paycheck. Prioritize your future self by prioritizing investing. Better yet, many 401k plans have an automated yearly 1% increase feature. Go find that and turn it on so you don’t have to remember to do this in the coming years! 


It’s 2024, and there are no excuses left as to why you do not have an IRA opened. I have laid it all out for you in my Step by Step Guide to Opening a Roth IRA blog post. Investing is incredibly important if you want to achieve financial independence and retire some day - you need to start NOW!


If you are already investing, it is important that each year you review your investment portfolio and your asset allocation. 

In Jargon Free terms - this means you need to look at all the money you have, across all of your investment accounts (401k, IRA, HSA, brokerage, etc.). Then you need to look at what investments you hold in each of those accounts, and overall what percentage of your money is invested in stocks vs. bonds? 

We can use Aged Based asset allocation to guide us. Essentially this is taking our current age and investing that percentage of our portfolio in BONDS and the remainder in STOCKS. For example, if you are 25 years old, that would suggest you hold 25% of your investments in bonds and 75% in stocks. Granted this is just a benchmark, you can vary from here as you’d like, based on your own personal risk tolerance. Regardless, each year it is important that you review your asset allocation and ensure that your portfolio is balanced. 


We all wished we would’ve learned more about personal finance in school, but we unfortunately didn’t, so now it is up to us to prioritize it ourselves. This includes continued education, and the good news is that there are SO many outlets to learn from. Books, Podcasts, Youtube, etc. Find the outlet that you most enjoy and make it a goal to continue to learn more & implement your learnings this year. 

If speaking to someone 1:1 is more your style, I’m here to support you and you can book a session with me. 

⚠️ Information in this blog post is not financial advice & is for educational purposes only ⚠️


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